Curriculum vitae

Software Engineer

Full Name Flavio Henrique Galon
Nationality Brazilian
Date of Birth 21st October 1992
Languages Portuguese, English


  • July 2022 - Present
    Software Engineer
    888Spectate, Dublin, Ireland
    • As a software engineer (level 4) in Spectate I design, maintain and implement new features in Python 2 and 3 microservices.
      As part of my daily tasks I interact with software architects, QAs and product owners in an scrum team.
      • REST API development and asynchronous job processing with Python 2 and 3, Twisted, Sanic, Redis, MySQL and ActiveMQ.
      • Unit tests with unittest and pytest.
      • Load tests with Locust.
  • 2021-2022
    Software Engineer
    Dextra/CI&T, Remote, Brazil
    • At Dextra/CI&T I worked as a backend software engineer on international projects.
      Worked with an USA based team developing microservices in Python 3 for the workspaces booking industry. In addition to designing, implementing, testing and maintaining features, I was directly involved in the adoption of event-driven architecture by the product's microservices.
      • REST API development in Python 3 with FastAPI, Pydantic, SQLAlchemy and Alembic.
      • Unit and integration tests with pytest.
      • AWS services such as Lambda Functions, EventBridge, Aurora (PostgreSQL), CloudWatch and System Manager.
      • IaC with Terraform.
      • Jenkins CI/CD pipelines and monitoring with DataDog.
  • 2017-2021
    Software Engineer
    Agres, Curitiba, Brazil
    • As a software engineer at Agres I was a developer on several embedded, web and IoT software projects.
      Amid my accomplishments, I'd highlight the delivery of an 1.5 year delayed project in 8 months after taking over as the development lead by coordinating redesign, refactoring and development of critical features.
      • Development of an IoT + web system for agricultural machinery tracking and management through UHF and LTE-M radio signals using Python 3.
      • Design and development of a microservices-based application for proprietary binary files upload, management that provides data visualization through interactive maps, dashboards, work report files and shapefile generation built in Angular 8, Typescript and Python 3.
      • Development of proprietary license files generation library in Java.
      • Development of internal web based licensing generation and management application in SpringBoot, Hibernate, PostgreSQL and AngularJS.
      • Azure and gitlab CI/CD pipelines.
  • 2017
    Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
    • As an intern at the Imaging and Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory I developed several digital image processing (DIP), computer vision (CV) and neural networks real time inference applications in C++ and Python 2. Furthermore, I acted as consultant for Master’s candidates on adapting DIP and CV pipelines to the NVIDIA TX1 embedded computing system.
  • 2015
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
    • Intern at the Automation and Applied Informatics Department under a professor’s guidance. Among my activities, I was responsible for building automated performance analysis software for convolutional neural networks and natural language processing pipelines in Python 2.


  • 2010-2017
    Bachelor of Engineering - Electronic Engineering
    Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
  • 2014 - 2015
    Exchange Program - Electronic & Software Engineering
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary